Kanyakumari Express

The forty hour train ride from Mumbai to Ernakulam.

View out of the Kanyakumari Express, around Southern Andhra Pradesh The Mumbai-Kanyaumari Express goes from Mumbai to the Southernmost tip of India, running in a eastward slash almost to Hyderabad and then back, rejoining the coast at Trichur. White-knuckled grip on the rail, looking at big rocky formations in A.P. The 2-tier air-con compartment (or "2AC") that I was in had sealed windows that were tinted a rose color, making the outside world seem unreal. At the doorway in the 2nd class compartment, however, it was akin to riding a motorcycle with the wind rushing in your face. When it started to rain, the drops stung, since they were hitting my hand at 60 mph.
Passing a village on the train. This was one of many villages that the train passed through on the way; the train only stopped at the larger towns. Martha, Josemy, and Jose, the familiy with which I shared a compartment on the tain. 2AC has compartments of four, and this familiy was the other three in mine. Jose was garrulous, and loved to explain things that were passing by, and made several meandering attempts to work out an itinerary for me through Southern India. Martha seemed to understand English better, but had trouble getting a word in edgewise.

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